Semester - Vth (Total : 500 Marks)
Paper No. | Title of Paper | Paper Code | Max. Marks |
I | Civil Procedure Code (C.P.C.) | K-5001 | 100 |
II | Law of Crimes-II (Code of Criminal Procedure, Juvenile Justice Act, and Protection of Offenders Act) | K-5002 | 100 |
III | Law of Evidence | K-5003 | 100 |
IV | Land Law Including Ceiling and Other Local Laws | K-5004 | 100 |
V | Drafting of Pleading and Conveyancing (Practical Training) | K-5005 | 100 |
Note : Paper Code K- 5005 entitled, “ Drafting of Pleading And Conveyancing” will carry Maximum 100 Marks which will be divided in to Theory Paper and Practical / Viva – voce examination carrying 50 Marks each. The Theory Paper will be conducted at the time of other Theory papers. This course will be taught through class instructions and simulation exercises, preferably with the assistance of practicing Lawyers / retired Judges. Apart from teaching the relevant provisions of law, the course will include 10 written exercises in Drafting of pleading carrying 20 Marks (2 Marks for each exercise)and 10 written exercises in Conveyancing carrying 20 Marks (2 Marks for each exercise). Each student will maintain a Sessional Exercise Book for the purpose and write down all the exercise in Pleading and Conveyancing during regular classes. It will be assessed by the Board of Practical /Viva – voce Examiners. The Viva – voce will be of 10 Marks.
Semester - VIth (Total : 500 Marks)
Paper No. | Title of Paper | Paper Code | Max. Marks |
I | Interpretation of Statute | K-6001 | 100 |
II | Legal Language and Legal Writing Including Proficiency in General English | K-6002 | 100 |
III | Law of Human Rights | K-6003 | 100 |
IV | Intellectual Property Law OR Information Technology and Cyber Law OR Law Relating to Women and Child OR Law Relating to Right to Information | K-6004 K-6005 K-6006 K-6007 | 100 100 100 100 |
V | Moot Court, Pre- Trial Preparation and Participation in Trial Proceedings (Practical Training) | K-6008 | 100 |
Note: Paper Code – K-6008 entitled, Moot Court, Pre- trial Preparation And Participation In Trial Proceedings The (Practical Training)” shall comprise of the following :
- Moot Court : The Maximum Marks to this Paper will be 100. Each student will do at least Two Moot Courts in a Semester with 10 Marks each. The Moot Court work will be on assigned problem and will be evaluated for 5 Marks for written submissions (to be recorded in Sessional Diary) and 5 Marks for Oral Advocacy.
Guidelines : For the purpose of Moot Court, groups will be formed of 8/10 students and cases involving several issues shall be assigned in Court practice i.e. Operation of Courts and legal professionals on panel of the College / University may be sought, especially in the matter of getting copies of paper books of cases which have been decided by various Courts.
The Course shall emphasize points of Court craft and decorum. The male students shall wear white pant – shirt and a Black Tie and female students shall wear white dress with black scarf while addressing a Moot Court and during their visits to the Court / Advocates chambers and other practical training programmers.
Practice Moots shall be held as a routine in the class itself and the three compulsory test Moots for examination shall be held after such practice Moots near the end of semester term. Attendance at such practice Moot Courts shall be counted. Each student shall be required to maintain a regular record of his / her preparation for all the Moot Courts attended by him / her in the Sessional Diary. The Sessional Diary will carry 15 Marks (5 Marks for each Test Moot).
- Court Assignments : Observation of Trial in Four Casese. Two Cases in Civil and Two in Criminal. Each student will attend Four Trial Courts during the Semester term.
He / She will maintain record of his/her visits in his/her Diary of Sessional Work and enter the various steps observed during his / her attendance on different days in the Court assignment. This Scheme will carry 25 Marks.
(C) Interviewing Techniques And Pre-Trail Preparation:
(i). Each students will observe for Interviewing Session of Clients at the Lawyer’s Office/Legal Aid Office and record the proceedings in the Diary of Sessional Work , which will carry 10 Marks.
(ii).Each student will further observers the preparation of documents and Court Papers by the Advocate and procedure for filling the Suit/Petition. This will be recorded in Sessional Diary which will carry 10 Marks.
Guidelines : To make the training meaningful, students visits have to be organized for a continuous period, sufficiently long to observe and understand the process taking place in their proper context. Efforts should be directed to acquaint the students in the different branches of legal practice including Civil, Criminal, Revenue and Labour Court Practice. Besides the legal Professionals on the College/ University Panel, the students should regularly be supervised and helped by the subject teacher/tutor. It is desirable that besides Advocates Chambers the students are taken for academic Family Court/Revenue Court/Income Tax & Sales Tax Offices and other venues where judicial administrative proceedings are held. The Indian Law Institute, Parliament, Supreme Court and High Courts, Tribunals etc. May be visited to make the training academically multifarious. This programme can be intellectually and professionally challenging if properly and integrated with Curriculum.
(D). Viva-voce: The Fourth Component of this Paper will be Viva-voce examination by the Board of Examiners on the above three aspects. This will carry 10 Marks.